Offshore Software Development Company & Outsourcing Services


Client Testimonials
Offshore Outsourcing

Offshore Outsourcing

HorizonCore Infosoft是一家离岸外包公司,为全球客户开发软件和网络应用程序. The offshore outsourcing center is situated in Ahmedabad, a city in India, 我们在那里建立了一个基础设施中心,为您提供网站开发服务, Website Designing, Software Development, Mobile Application Development, Full Stack Development, Cloud Development, 企业解决方案以及各种技术的大数据解决方案.

我们的离岸外包团队由一个从项目经理开始的组织结构组成. 项目经理的主要任务是与离岸开发中心的客户/程序员进行沟通,并处理整个项目. 他们从一开始就管理这个项目直到它成功完成.


How it Work

Quality Product Delivery

您可以外包给HorizonCore,我们保证为您提供最优质的服务. 我们的专业团队以其全部的奉献精神,为保持产品的质量而努力.

Cost Benefits


Professional Excellence

This service offered to clients by capering on quality Human Resource, robust infrastructure and domain related Research and Development.

On-Time Delivery


Skilled and Technical Proficient

You will get Quality Manpower with strong technical skills, good language command and excitement to accommodate Clients.

Realistic Cost Savings

You can save 40% in the project costs; if you outsource the projects as compared to onshore markets.

Offshore Outsource Model

离岸外包模式背后的理念是基于“雇佣专门的资源,而不是专业知识”。. 大多数企业希望将其活动外包给在工作领域具有专业知识的离岸开发公司.

离岸外包是将其商业行为转移到我们的专业离岸公司以获取高质量的现代商业方式, 与在岸/国内市场相比,成本效益和技术优势明显.

Our Mission


Our Mission

India considered as the most preferable target for offshore outsourcing. Why?

While outsourcing project for offshore development, 一个人必须考虑所有的影响因素,从中选择最好的. 印度已经成为最主要的竞争者,因为它在一系列因素中都是最强的选择

Our Mission

Reputation and consistency in delivering IT services

印度在信息技术领域拥有最强大的知识基础,在提供IT服务方面拥有数十年的经验. Many of the IT giant and most famous corporate like Microsoft, IBM, Sun Microsystems, Dell, HP, 康柏等公司在印度有自己的开发中心,并与海外供应商建立了外包关系.

Our Mission

Availability of skilled and computer literate professionals

印度拥有最广泛的熟练、经验丰富的IT专业人员和综合技能. 印度提供知识的大学和各种各样的学院每年都会培养数千名受过良好教育的专业人士,他们被吸收了.

Our Mission

Government support

Indian government is a strong supporter of IT initiatives. 简便的法律程序和在提供优秀培训基础设施方面的大量投资为其提供了支持.

Our Mission

Cultural similarity


Client Speak

HorizonCore has the best web & software development team. 我要求很高,我的所有要求都以礼貌和微笑得到满足. 我得到了极大的尊重,我对最后的结果非常满意. 我无法用言语来感谢他们,但我会真诚地向大家推荐这支才华横溢的团队.

Link metric has found HorizonCore to be perfect partner. 从复杂的网站设计到管理系统,他们总是提供超出我们期望的服务. After using many outsourced operations, 当我们最终找到一家值得信赖的公司时,我们非常高兴.

我们非常高兴有像HorizonCore这样的伙伴作为我们的海上开发合作伙伴. During our relationship, HorizonCore已经对我们自己的愿景和工作流程有了很好的理解. They have pro-actively solved the issues impacting businesses.

澳门体育赌博十大平台是ActiveCare Online迄今为止最好的IT体验之一. We are impressed with all the perspectives. We are so proud to work with Indian IT company which is so passionate, enthusiastic, punctual and humble.

他们以我在IT行业所见过的最优惠的价格提供卓越的品质. 到目前为止,我对他们的工作非常满意,并强烈推荐他们. Thanks for a good job. I really appreciate the way you carried out the web solution for us.

We are in the business of import-export institute management. When we were in Maninagar, 我们在2010年遇到了HCIPL的负责人,他向我提出了一个站点开发计划. From that day all our IT operations are being handled by HorizonCore. 最近,我们用响应式布局改造了我们的研究所管理系统,这比我们想要的要多!

我们一直在使用桌面系统,但由于技术的进步, 我们需要将其升级为基于web的,这样我们就可以在云上管理我们所有的细节. I had a meeting with HCIPL project leader, he impressed me with his progressive plan and we agreed to work on it. We are getting over whelming response of our staff about new system.

与这家公司合作真的很愉快,我们一直对他们提供的解决方案感到满意,因为他们的员工非常支持,总是愿意倾听. We also feel that they understood our needs as an independent identity.

Eli & Debby

CEO, Soap Splash INC. USA.

Lewis Kite

MD, Link Metric. London.

Nick Illston

Founder, Pacemedia. UK.

Mr. Omm Patel

Owner, ActiveCare Online. U.K.

Arjun Thandi

Founder, Evucan. UK.

Mr. Dipak Sudhir

Director, iiiEM. India.

Mr. Krushabh Patel

Director, Liberty Group. India.

Mr. Sharad Patel

Director, ESSPEE ERP System. India.

We Work With Bold Brands

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